《Journal of Thermal Science》是由中国科学院工程热物理研究所主办的期刊。是有关能源、动力、环境方面的学术性刊物,面向国内外发行。
《Journal of Thermal Science》旨在形成一个国内外最新科技成果与信息的交流平台,促进学科发展。为我国科技工作者进一步了解国际能源科技、动力、环境等学科的发展趋势,凝聚和提升能源科技与动力的创新目标服务。
《Journal of Thermal Science》刊登的文章来自中(含香港、台湾)、日、韩、印、孟加拉、马来西亚、伊朗、以色列、美、加、英、爱尔兰、德、法、比利时、芬兰、波兰、捷克、俄、巴西、澳大利亚、新西兰、等各大洲30多个国家和地区,每期有半数左右的文章来自国外。
《Journal of Thermal Science》被美国的《化学文摘》(CA)及“全俄罗斯科学与技术情报研究机构”(VINITI)收录,2004年《Journal of Thermal Science》成为EI的核心刊物,2008年《Journal of Thermal Science》被SCI-E收录,成为国内能源领域唯一被SCI收录的学术期刊。
Title: Title of the paper should be exact, and not too long.
Abstract: Abstract should be about 150-200 words, outline the objective, method, main results and conclusion.
Keywords: 3 to 6 keywords or phrases for cross indexing this article.
Text: The text should be in WORD format (.doc, not .docx), arranged in double column(only the abstract is in single column), generally the total number of pages (including figures and tables) should be about 8 pages. All figures must not be too large, however, the words in the figure must not be too small. Don’t put all the figures at the end of the text.
References: All references should be listed at the end of the text in the order in which they are cited (not alphabeti-cal). References should be cited within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. References should include: name of authors, full title, full name of source (including page numbers), in case of a book, it should mention the name of the publisher and its location (name of city), in case of conference proceedings, it should mention the name of the city where the conference was held, and the year of publication.
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